Wednesday, February 23, 2011


February 23 -- When Luke was four years old, I sent him to nursery school.  Unlike many other mothers, I didn't send him when he was three.  I was overwhelmed by life -  I was pregnant with Tessa who was due in August and we had just built and moved into our new house.  So I kept him home with me until just after Tessa was born.

The truth was, I didn't want to let him go.

As we get closer and closer to making a decision for college, I find myself going back to that first day of pre-school when I finally, finally let him go into the hands of another teacher.   I truly don't know what I would have done if that teacher had been anyone else than "Mrs. Liz", a woman with a great laugh, a generous soul and a heart which easily expanded to include all of us as she embraced my little boy with love.

Today, Liz is a dear friend and we often talk about that first day when she stepped toward Luke and put out her hand.  With a quick glance at me, he carefully put his small hand in hers.  And then, slowly but with certainty, he walked away from me.  I knew he was nervous but he never said a word.  He knew she was golden.  Luke's "soul" radar, which to this day is remarkably astute, recognized someone he could trust.

Sometimes, letting go helps us stumble upon situations and people who are unbelievable gifts.  This was my experience with Liz.  And as Luke prepares to take yet another big step away from home and family, I pray that he continues to find amazing friends, teachers and life guides who will help him grow into the fine young man he is already becoming.  (Despite the fact that he still drives me insane with his innumerable teenage antics...)

Whenever I feel the tears pricking the back of my eyelids -- it was just yesterday that he was a baby!! -- I think of Liz.  I think of what a wonderful gift we received with her friendship.  And in my mind,  I create that vision for Luke again.   I am the director of my movie -- this epic film about the power of love.

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