Monday, February 7, 2011

So Tired...

February 7 --  So yes, the roof guys finally came.  Apparently, our roof is so bad, they had to call for back-ups.  Tomorrow, more guys will be here.  Their are no less than five fans going right now in two rooms, along with a dehumidifier in the bonus room.  One of the guys came in at 6:30pm (after they had been working like, non-stop chipping away at the ice on the roof since 2pm) and says, "do you have heat in the garage?"

I was like, "what?!  Who has heat in their garage?"  The ceiling is so bad in the garage, they have to tear it down.  Kind of guessed that.   Tomorrow they are bringing a heat lamp to heat the garage.  (Seriously. That question really got me thinking -- do other people really have heat in their garage??)

The appraiser came by as well.  Looks like we have more damage than others.  It's going to be a lot of work.  Having workers in the house is always a pain.  Like, can you shower after you get back from the gym?  (The answer is no, not really.)  Tonight, I kept thinking they were going to leave but they didn't leave till around 7:30pm.  With all the fans, they kept blowing fuses or whatever it was that they did.   I vacuumed glitter off of the floor for about an hour (I swear; I am not exaggerating.)  The kids in my CCD class this afternoon made valentines for the senior citizen Valentine's Day luncheon next Monday.  Cute but messy.  Needless to say, between the unending glitter mess and the various needs for this roof/ceiling disaster, I forgot to feed the kids dinner.   Luke was like, "I gotta go tutor now...", Tessa was about to be picked up for CCD and I suddenly realized it was nearly 7pm and nobody had eaten.

Whatever.  The kids eventually all got fed.  I ate.  Brian ate when he got home from work at 9:30 pm.  The fans are blowing and over at the light and power company, everyone is doing the victory dance because we are sooooo jacking up our electricity rate right now.

Like I said.  Whatever.  I am too tired to care.

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