Monday, February 21, 2011


February 21st -- I took Luke to UConn today for a "Husky for a Day" tour.  He met with some students who took him around the campus.  They sat in on a class -- Asian Studies or Eastern Asian History, something like that.  According to Luke, he really enjoyed the visit.

While he was out on his tour, I sat in the Student Union and caught up on some paperwork, listened to Luke's ipod and read.  There was a girl sitting next to me who was reading the Quran.  (sp?)  It was really cool.  At one point, her phone rang.  "I am over here," she whispered.  (I wasn't eavesdropping, she was sitting like two feet away from me. )  A few seconds later, a tall blonde young man came over.  "How come you are sitting over here?  I couldn't find you."  She just shrugged.  "Are you hungry?" she asked.  "Yeah." he said with what sounded like an Eastern European accent.   "Let's go eat."  She stood up then and started to hoist her backpack onto her shoulder.  And that's when he did something I don't think I have ever seen a young man do.  He reached over and grabbed her backpack and slung it over his shoulder on top of his.  And then, without a comment, the young couple walked away.

Romance and international culture at UConn.  Pretty cool.

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