Sunday, February 13, 2011

A New Computer -- Hooray!

February 12 --  I got my new iMac today;  what a relief that all of the files backed onto our Time Capsule came back.  It is absolutely amazing how dependent I have become on the computer.  There was so much information on the hard drive; I would have been devastated if they didn't transfer over.

I mean, yeah, it's just information and I could have re-built my address book, and re-done my job application documents, but there were amazing photos from years back and lots of work documents for my interior decorating business, and Luke's college application essays...and the list went on.

I know this sounds cliche but what did we do before computers?? How did we store all of this information?  Did we even have this much information?  (we certainly didn't have email addresses, that's for sure.)

Last Friday, when I didn't let Tessa go to her sleepover party, I took her with me and Brian to the local mountain for Riley's last night with snowboarding lessons.  (I am so excited how much he loves it but it is boring as heck to sit there all night waiting for him to be finished with his runs!)  Anyway, Brian took off to go to a work meeting.  Tessa was going crazy, trying to use my phone to text her friends at the party.  "I told them I would text them, " she insisted.  I was like, "really?  Why would you promise something like that if you don't have anything to text them with?"  She shrugged and asked for my phone again.   I stuck to my "no." When Brian came back, she asked him to borrow his phone as well.  I finally looked her square in the eye and told her to BACK OFF!  I was like, why don't you just call them tomorrow morning with the house phone?

She looked at me with a smirk.  "Use the house phone?  My friends and I totally agree -- that is soooo 70's!"  70's?! Geesh!!  I am a dinosaur!  I will say one thing about the "old fashioned" bulky house phone.  It works way better than a skimpy cell phone when you have to change a dirty diaper and you want to keep on talking.  Cell phones slip far easier when you prop them between your head and shoulder. Maybe the moms of today use a bluetooth.  Whatever.  Okay.  So I'm a dinosaur.    (So what does that make Brian?!)  haha.

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