Friday, February 11, 2011

Boy/Man Sweat is NOT a Turn On

February 10 -- Got an email tonight from the coordinator of the Winter Lacrosse League about their end of the year lacrosse pizza party after practice on Sunday night.  He talked about how the restaurant can hold 50 kids plus 25 standing.  He invited the parents but remarked that it might be a tight squeeze and that the boys would be sweaty after practice.   My response?  Okayyyy, I won't be there.

A few minutes later, Brian sat down at the computer and read the same email.  "Who is picking up Connor on Sunday?"  he asked.  "Penney is," I answered, thinking to myself, duhhhh, Penney always does pick-up.  "Why?" he asked again.  I turned around, my mouth open in disbelief.   The man has like a zero memory level lately.   "Brian," I said with infinite patience, "she always picks up the boys!"

His voice went up a few octaves.  "But they're gonna talk to the high school kids!  I want to hear what they say!"

I was quiet for a moment thinking, really?  Shut upppp!  You really want to hear them tell the high school kids how they have to be good role models for the younger kids in the lacrosse league in town?  Really?  But what I said was, "Didn't you read the email?  It's going to be totally sweaty and smelly in there."  Brian looked at me and laughed.  "Yeah," he said.  "But I read that and was like, cool!  I wanna go!"

guys.  They are so TOTALLY weird!  And when they work out?  They smell really, really bad.  But they like it.   I have noooo idea how to make any sense out of that one.  None at all.

Thank God I am a girl.     :)

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