Monday, February 28, 2011

The Coyotes Arrive

Februrary 28 --  Last day of February...that means I have written in this blog for two whole months.  In the scheme of things, I would have to say that I guess I am a little impressed with myself.  I have no idea where this is heading or if I will be able to maintain this goal but today, for now, I am still writing.  And that's all that counts.

Last night, we had eerie visitors in our backyard.  Maybe they were in the woods but it sure sounded like they were in our backyard because they were so loud I was completely startled out of a deep sleep.  It's definitely getting closer to spring because the nighttime harbingers -- the coyotes -- are starting their hunting or mating or whatever it is that makes them scream and howl in the darkness of the night.  And whatever their reasons, I can only say one thing.  Listening to their almost human like screams scares the hell out me.

Why is it, I wonder, why do they sound so scary?  What kind of purpose is there for their haunting sound?  It's almost like they are searching in fury (or joy?!) for their prey or they have found their prey and are celebrating.   As I reflect on the reasons for the nighttime passions,   I guess it doesn't help that Connor and I have become addicted to watching the re-runs of the 24 series.  With the Netflix opportunity on the Wii, we can watch every show from every season.  The intensity of that show (we watched 6 episodes yesterday -- yes, that's like four hours of television -- something I rarely do!) combined with the howling coyotes made me feel like I was in the middle of some bizarre movie.

Thankfully the screaming stopped almost as suddenly as it started and Brian and I were able to fall asleep again.  

I guess this means spring is coming.  But with this morning's ice and delayed school opening, it is really, really hard to believe that this winter will ever be over.  I guess it helps to be a coyote.  They, for one, have faith that yes, the snow and ice will stop.  Someday anyway.

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