Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A-Rod and Cameron Eat Popcorn, OMG

February 8 --  Back in the day (last week) before my main computer died, I used to read my msn.com page every morning.  Now I have to access my email etc. via a couple of other safari web pages.  What cracks me up these days (and, in the midst of all this leaking roof, freezing pipes winter drama it is always nice to find something to laugh at) is the obsession the media has with this tiny little scene between A-Rod and Cameron Diaz at the Super Bowl.  It's everywhere.

I actually saw it live.   I say this with some pride because it is precisely the kind of thing I wouldn't notice since I am usually heading for the chip and dip bowl whenever the camera isn't on the game.  Okayyy.  Sometimes I go for the chips and dip during the game too.  Geez.  Anyway, since I am trying desperately to watch what I eat lately, I was largely glued to the screen for most of the game, audience shots included. The camera was panning the celebrity box with GW and his wife Laura and all of a sudden the camera focused on A-Rod and Cameron while she put a piece (or three pieces) of popcorn into his mouth.  There was dead silence for a few seconds and then the announcer goes, "that's Cameron Diaz and A-Rod."  And that was it.

But then the photo went viral.  And now it is the new hot celebrity photo.  Weird.  I say that because I just can't help but wonder what the interest is.  I mean, it's like this blog of mine.  There have been more hits on the child abuse "Tobasco" blog than any other.  Why?  Because, apparently people are googling that incident.  I remember once when I let Brian have a huge bite of my hot dog at a Mets game.  It was pretty dramatic because I don't usually share my junk food.  And there was like, mustard dripping down one side of his mouth as he was chewing.  But there were no photos.  No camera coverage.  Of course not!  Why?  Because we are representatives of the everyday, common folk.   Who cares, right?  My thoughts exactly.  Sometimes, I think that our country, on the whole, needs a life.  We are way too obsessed with what all the famous people are doing.  So much that, helloooo, are we even paying attention to ourselves?  Or to the amazing and wonderful "common" folks who inhabit our daily lives?  Just wondering.

Although, now that I write about it, I guess I am also wondering (a little) what Cameron Diaz (whom I love for her craft, not her personality -- because I don't know her btw) is doing with A-Rod.  (Whom I do NOT love, for any reason.)  But it's their life, not mine.  Popcorn and all.

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