Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Dog Needs a Haircut and Other "To-Do's"

February 22 -- I love my new computer.  It's so clean and the keyboard is awesome.  I even like my mouse.  What I don't love about my new computer is that it is even faster than the one that died and so it brings information to me too quickly (especially the stuff I don't want to see like the escalating price of oil because of the Libyan conflict).    And I get overwhelmed.

I sit at the computer thinking I will be there for two or three minutes and suddenly I am deeply engrossed in an article which describes the six ways to reduce belly fat.  (Before I know it, I am clicking on several slides and reading each one.)  And then I look at the clock and suddenly it's time to go to work, go to the gym, pick up the kid, whatever.  And all the things I was going to do like sweep the floor, floss my teeth, call the dog groomer or transfer the laundry from the washer to the dryer fall by the wayside.

I get very upset with myself when that happens.  How did I waste so much time?  Do I really need to know six more ways to reduce fat?  I don't think so.  But I get suckered in.  And whose fault is that?  Mine.  All mine.

Nonetheless, I am grateful today for... getting to my spinning class.  In the last minute, I didn't want to go.  But I told myself I would feel better afterward.  And I did.

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