Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hey Chicken Licken' -- the Ceiling is Falling

February 5 --   The roof people are getting closer and closer...but they have not yet arrived.  Every day we talk to them and every day he keeps putting us off for another day.  Tonight he left a message to say that his crew is tired and they would not be coming out tomorrow to finally shovel the snow off of our very high roof (s).  His crew was tired and need a day off.  If they are as busy as I believe they are, those guys deserve a day off.  I mean who wants tired men climbing around their roof???

But the damage continues.  Today, more tape fell from the ceiling in the garage along with soggy bits of sheetrock and remnants of white taping compound.  Water gushed from the electrical outlet in the ceiling where the garage door opener was plugged in.  Brian talked about taking a drill and putting a hole in the sheetrock to "relieve the buildup"  (like a surgeon drilling a hole into someone's skull to reduce pressure and swelling I guess.)  But in the end, he just pulled the plug out.

The unfinished bonus room is covered in ice;  the rags and "sham-wows" (which are totally AWESOME btw) which we put down to absorb the water are now stubbornly frozen to the floor.  Icicles drape the insulation like jewelry on an evening gown.  It's totally bizarre.  I find myself compartmentalizing the damage -- completely ignoring it at times so effectively that when I do remember that nature is mocking us and water and ice is invading our home, I am almost shocked as though it is a brand new discovery.

And we are not alone.  Every day I hear more and more stories of water damage suddenly appearing in other people's homes.  Apparently, insurance adjusters are invading the area in droves.

And so we continue to chip away at the ice, defrost the towels, spin them dry and lay them down again. And then, we wait for help.  What else can we do?  So far, the heat works, the electricity works and if all goes well, the roof guys will be here in two days to at least alleviate some of the water source.

Fingers crossed.

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