Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chess Anyone?

February 24 -- We spent the night tonight -- the members of the the first annual community chess tournament -- putting together the necessary information to make this event happen.  It's the blind leading the blind and, quite frankly, it was terrifying.

But Luke and Andrew kept at it, putting name after name into the new bracketing program that Ross found on the web until -- hooray! -- it was up on the website and we could tell all the participants -- 115 omg! -- that the brackets had been posted.

I am exhausted right now but exhilarated.  We did it!  I know Luke was nervous about this part of the tournament, but he pulled it off.  Tonight -- right now --  I am very proud of that kid.

After everyone left, I cleaned up the kitchen and had my daily goal -- a glass of wine and some chocolate.  And a couple of Doritos.   Yup.  Life is good.

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