Saturday, November 26, 2011

Christmas Season Blues

November 26 -- First of all, it occurred to me that I have no clue what the date is anymore.  Today I was at the store and I peaked at the receipt to find out the date.  I was shocked to discover that it was the 26th because I vaguely remembered typing "November 27th" on my entry last night.  Time is going by quickly enough as it is, I don't need to be rushing things.

Today (and yesterday) I went out with hopes of getting a jump on Christmas shopping.  I discovered that I genuinely DISLIKE holiday shopping.  Now that the kids are older, they ask for very expensive gifts and because I like them to have more than one item to open, I find myself spending even more money!  This is RIDICULOUS!!!   I snapped majorly at Tessa today when she put her finger on a picture of Uggs and when I told her that I would not buy her the lighter pair, she said, "ohhh, if that's that case, I only want the grey ones."   I freaked.  Two weeks ago, we were at Costco and she was trying on "fake Uggs" and when she tried on the chestnut brown ones, we both agreed they looked good.  So that night, I went home and researched UGgs on line and found a knock-off (from China) that was half price and I snatched up a pair.  They arrived last week.   So when she made that comment, I looked at her and said, "what about the chestnut color?!"and I pointed my finger at the color I had already purchased.  She looked at me as though she just smelled something which was rotting.  I flipped!  I mean, there was no way I was returning the damn boots to Lord knows what company sold them to me in the first place (sometimes those websites are kind of sketchy...I usually just hold my breath and go for it if I feel I am getting a good deal!)

I can't get ahead.  I just can't.  As for Tessa, she is getting what she gets.  If she doesn't want them -- she can just donate them to charity.  I really don't care.  Like I said, I definitely have the Christmas blues.  I literally get stomach aches when I think about shopping.  Working full time doesn't help but even then, I can't stand it!!

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