Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Luke's Email...

November 29 -- Luke (who was in a LOT of trouble on Sunday) sent me an email apology today.  I have to say that it was beautifully written.  It seriously brought tears to my eyes.  I am still upset with him and sad about what he did but I totally forgive him.  How could I not?  His words were heartfelt and sweet.  And right on the money.  He took total ownership for his transgression.   Since he left home for college, Luke's emails and his birthday cards have been unbelievably eloquent.  At long last, he has become a writer.

Here is a confession of my own.  When I read it, I seriously wondered if he hadn't hired someone to write it for him.  And was it bullshit?  Was he totally sweet talking me?  Ahhhhhh.  Maybe?  Or maybe not.  who knows?  I guess, truth be known, I really don't care. When I read his words,  I was grateful.   Time to move on.  From my perspective, that's what forgiveness (and parenting) is all about.

So... I guess this means I have to add him back to the shopping list and start thinking about what to get him for Christmas.  Sigh.

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