Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Connor Gets HIs Learner's Permit

November 23 -- I don't even know what the date is today;  I have lost track of time.  Truly.  I swear it was just yesterday that Connor celebrated his first Thanksgiving as a six week old baby.  What a cutie he was with his dark uni-brow and deep blue eyes.   I will never forget how we hosted Thanksgiving that year but for some reason, the only people who could come were my mom and dad.  And after they had gone home, and the dishes were washed and put away, we put Luke to bed and I sat down in my comfy nursing chair and fed Connor.  He was a doll, resting quietly in my arms, starting to doze off...and then he turned his head and spit up all over me and the chair.  I remember sitting there for a moment in shock -- it was the first time he had ever spit up -- and I was just amazed at the sheer volume of fluid which came out of that little body.

So that was then and, he got his learner's permit to drive.  Came close to not making it...but somehow he squeaked through with the right number correct on the exam.  Another milestone in his, and our lives.  I know everyone says this but geez, it all just goes by so quickly.

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