Monday, November 7, 2011

Back To the Blog

November 7 -- It's hard to believe that today is Monday, 10 days after my last entry.  Back in January, I said I would write every day.  I missed a few but not 10 days in a row.  However, this past week taught me something that writing a blog on a computer could never do.  Nature always has the last move.  And Nature moved for sure -- the storm that blew into our region last Saturday knocked out more than just electricity -- it knocked out our confidence that we can control all.

As far as I am concerned, that's not such a terrible lesson to learn.  It really underscored the importance of electricity -- probably the best invention known to man-kind.  Face it.  Without electricity, the computer world is ultimately reduced to nothing.   Something to think about anyway.  (as I write this blog haha.)

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