Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Parent Conferences

November 9 -- I had parent conferences tonight -- my first at the high school.  They went fine, I think.  It's kind of weird.  You tell parents a few things and then you wonder, what are they thinking?  Do they need more information?  What else do I say?  I have never been at a loss for things to say so that usually isn't an issue but I still wonder to myself, what do I say now?  Am I saying the right thing?  yipes.

And the other thing is that the majority of parents who come for conferences are usually the parents of kids who are doing really well.  So after telling them how great their kid is (and yeah, their kid is really great!), and then commenting on the writing, the reading's like okay, we are good here, yes?  I really have an interesting insight into how teachers probably viewed me and Brian last year when we went to Luke's teachers.  They were probably like, what?  What can you do -- the kid is out of here in a few months!  Whatever.  I still like to get a vibe on the teachers and see how they feel about my kid.

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