Sunday, November 27, 2011

Mad at the Blog Site

November 27 --   I spent all day working, literally from the time I got up until now at 9:30pm.  I realize it's a blessing to have a job but I was exhausted from all the Thanksgiving stuff and dealing with Luke today and his bad timing with a really bad adolescent decision.  I was like, really Luke?  This had to come out today?!!    I wasn't in the mood to be a parent.  I needed to focus on schoolwork for God's sake.  I had a stomach ache all day and I couldn't stop crying.  I just miss my Sundays to get stuff done and nothing.

Yes, I get that once this year is over, next year will be easier -- at least I will have the experience under my belt and I will know (to a degree) what to expect.  But I am just cranky and I don't like the holidays.  Bah humbug.

To add to the humbugness...I just typed a fairly long entry and then all of a sudden - whap!!! -- it disappeared and was replaced by a new Safari page with a stupid pop-up ad on it.  And I had to type something all over again.  Not diggin' that at all.

So I am mad at the blog tonight.  And done with writing.  For now.

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