Monday, November 28, 2011

Crazy Schedules & Fire Drills

November 28 -- Work is unbelievably stressful right now but not for the obvious reasons normally connected with teaching.  Not because the kids are getting wired for the holiday season and aren't doing their homework.  Not because I have lots and lots of prep work...and then there is the correcting.  No.  It's because the administrators keep popping these feel good assemblies into the schedule along with various other "pride" inspiring meetings that disrupt the schedule and create chaos.  Truly.  Every week there is one if not two major disruptions to the schedule.  And of course, don't forget all of the fire drills.  Apparently we are required to have ten of them in a school year.  Ten?!!  When we were growing up, we had maybe three.  Enough to learn the drill.  But ten?   I am 99% positive that parents do not realize that their kids' school schedules are disrupted ten times per year for fire drills.  I am curious what they would think if they did.  I know that as a parent, I think ten is way over the top.  But I am a teacher for goodness sake.  I believe the kids should be in the classroom as much as possible.  God forbid they should be there long enough to actually learn something.

Although... I guess it could be argued that they probably have mastered the art of the fire drill.  By the time they get through public school (not counting kindergarten) ...that's 120 fire drills.  Wow.

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