Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What is Fear?

November 8 -- Today, I showed my students a video clip about texting and driving.  Before I showed them the clip, we talked about the allure of scary movies.  I asked them why people liked to watch scary movies (I don't).  Some kids talked about the adrenaline rush.  Others talked about how, when watching a scary movie, you feel good knowing it is not happening to you.  We talked about how producers use fear to teach us lessons (like don't look behind the creaky door in the dark, empty house...especially if you hear a chain saw humming.)

And then I showed them the video.  It's an amazing video about real life experiences connected with texting and driving.  The kids stared at the screen, mesmerized.  Afterward, we talked about it.  They agreed that the fear they felt was actually quite powerful.  Whether it had an impact on them, I don't know. But I have to say, it was fascinating to see them glued to the screen.

My friend Liz is in a situation at work where she hates her job.  Has talked about wanting to leave for ages.  But fear is holding her back.  Women stay in abusive homes because they don't know what any other life is like.  They can't step out into the unknown.  In these cases, fear can be extremely harmful.  I think the beauty of fear is that it plays a number of different roles, some positive and some negative.  Like when it protects us;  when it teaches us to do things which keep us healthy.  But, like a knife, it can go the opposite way.  It can hold us fast in a situation that is extremely unhealthy.  It's up to us to decide whether the fear is our friend or our foe.  And yeah, that's certainly the hard part.  As Liz says, after awhile, the binky just no longer pacifies...it starts to smell.  I guess that's a pretty good time to abandon the ship.  To head out for parts unknown.  (which is no small feat.)  And that's where the other life tool steps in.  That's when "faith" keeps us moving toward safer ground.  To a place of growth and strength and good health.  Faith vs. Fear.  hmmmm.  Sounds like a huge conflict to me.  A lifelong one for most of us.  Oh well.  I guess it's part of the movie -- our life movie -- that keeps us glued to the screen eh?

Can't even imagine how it all turns out.  Stay tuned.

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