Friday, November 25, 2011

High School Reunion -- Yechhh for Sure!

November 27 -- So I dragged myself to my high school reunion tonight.  I am not even admitting to myself how many years it has been since I graduated but suffice it to say that there were  a lot of class photos with people with big hair and large round eyeglasses.

The event was okayyyyyy.  Everyone looked good;  the people I recognized anyway.  There were a few tummy tucks and lip jobs and definitely some boob jobs and one guy grew a foot I swear.  He was the surprise of the night -- skinny in high school, he had filled out and was well over six feet tall.  He looked like he should have been the captain of a yacht or something.  wow.

I could have easily left after a  couple of hours but I "hung on" largely because my Fab 5 members were there and I knew they would dump on me if I left early.  But I drew the line at going out for beers afterward.  No way.  I really hope there are no more reunions for us...I don't think I could bear it.  It's nice, but unbelievably exhausting.

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