Friday, November 18, 2011

Luke Comes Home for THanksgiving

November 18 -- We went out tonight and picked up Luke for Thanksgiving break.  Lucky them, they get the whole week off.  I am jealous for sure!  When he came out to the car it was like he hadn't aged at all.  Not physically anyway.  He just looks so young!  (Gets that from his dad but then...midlife...the age thing catches up.  I'm just sayin'!)

One of Luke's friends caught a ride home with us.  He was really nice and when we talked about school he told us he was a little bit of genius.  Huh?!!!  He said it so casually I thought I didn't hear him right.  But then he went on to talk about how both of his parents have genius minds.  And how his sister is in medical school.  His mom, apparently, is a general practitioner.  His dad is a computer programmer.  I didn't really know what to say so I just turned back around and stared at the road ahead for awhile.  Alas, my kids don't have genius parents.   Sigh.

But...we love 'em and I guess, no, I know that is what is most important.  We can't all be geniuses in this world.  A few of us have to make up the middle part.    I don't know.  Sounds good to me.   I'm too tired to be a genius anyway.

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