Thursday, November 17, 2011

More Conferences

November 17 -- I am so sick of all the assemblies and invasive items (like our new self-esteem PRide Time program ) which takes away class time.  Today it was the Veterans Day assembly (re-scheduled because of the storm) which made our class time tiny, tiny, tiny.  I am getting nothing done in my classes!  And then after school I went to go watch the student play (some of my students were wonderful!!) and then I brought Riley home from Lego Robotics (He and I are luvin it -- so cool and challenging!!!) and had a two minute peanut butter and honey sandwich while I simultaneously had to TRY and make my kids feel better about their fave cousins not coming for Thanksgiving (I cried on my way back to the high school) and then it was back to the classroom for nearly three hours of conferences.  (I fit extra people before conferences started and afterward.)

But when I was done -- I felt great.  These kids -- overall -- are awesome.  I think their parents are too.  I hope they got good information about their sons and daughters -- I never know if I am telling them the right stuff.  (Having been on the other end, I am highly critical of what I say!)

But now, conferences are done, thank God!   Tomorrow is Friday and then we go to pick up Luke -- hooray.  But now we have to think about what to do over Thanksgiving break.  We are so used to the high we get from the family being here, we feel lost and forlorn, like having a space made by a wide gaping tooth that has fallen out and is not growing back.  I realize that sounds melodramatic, but the way I feel right now -- exhausted -- I get to be melodramatic.

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