Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sat and Sunday Entry

November 19 & 20 -- I was not anywhere near a computer last night and by the time we got into our hotel room, it was wayyyy past midnight so I have to do a combo entry for today.   Not much of an entry though because I am really exhausted (it's nearly 11pm) and...based on how late I went to bed last night and how early I have to get up tomorrow morning to go to work, I don't want to expound on any bizarre subject (and there are many right now!) in this blog.  Suffice it to say we had an amazing time at my sister in law's gala for her organization helping people of all ages with special needs.

It was truly inspirational evening which exemplified, yet again, how much people can accomplish when they are passionate about their goals.

Speaking of being passionate about goals -- I am meeting with my boss tomorrow to discuss the pre-observation sheet I just labored over for the last hour.  I am being observed formally on Tuesday -- first time this year.  My greatest fear is that the kids will be duds but...knowing that class...I think they will be fine.  I pray they will anyway!  I absolutely love the lesson/poem I am doing with them!!!  (that helps I think!!)

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