Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Taking TV for Granted

 November 15 -- I am not a big television fan.  Sometimes, when I hear the kids listening to a show in the other room I just cringe.  But I am thinking about something my mom told me tonight when I called her to see how she and my dad were doing.

She told me that something was wrong with her tv and it wasn't working.  She wasn't sure if my dad touched something but she talked to the cable company yesterday and again today when they called to re-schedule the repair appointment.  My mother doesn't watch a lot of tv but my father does.  At night, when the dishes are washed, he goes downstairs to watch tv and my mother spends some time by herself reading...until he calls her down to watch a movie or whatever is on that evening.  Without television, my mother has basically nothing to entertain my dad with.  His Alzheimer's has left him with minimal capacity to read.  So unless she sings songs with him or plays a very basic card game, there isn't a whole lot she can do with him to give herself a break.

After I hung up the phone I sat still for a few minutes and absorbed the ramifications of a simple television breakdown for a woman caring for her husband whose only form of entertainment is watching movies.  It was kind of wild to think of how much that simple piece of technology does for my mother and dad.  For her sake, I hope it gets fixed tomorrow.

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