Thursday, November 10, 2011

Luke and Parenting

November 10 -- Tonight I had the longest phone conversation with my son -- over an hour.  I think that's the longest conversation ever.  And to think he is my husband's son.  (When we dated long distance, phone conversations were excruciatingly sparse.)

Luke is having a tough time.  On one hand, things are going great.  He likes his roommate, likes crew, likes his courses okay, is excited for his new job in the research lab, but school is difficult.  As an engineering student, he is taking some of the most difficult courses out there.  So he studies -- harder than he has ever studied before -- and is pulling low C's.  This is completely new for him.  He barely studied in high school and still managed A's and B's.  And because he is in the honors program, he feels like he is surrounded by kids who are excelling.  But I bet that is not true.  I am sure there are many kids who are dealing with tough courses.

My heart goes out to him.  I wish I could solve his frustration with himself.  But this is something he has to figure out on his own.  Even picking courses.  APparently is advisor is just okayy and is not giving him a lot of direction.  He can't get into one of the courses she told him to take and now he only has four courses.  (but 15 credits)  I am so confused about how many credits/courses he needs to take.  I told him to go to the honors office and see if someone there can help him.  He told me he was already planning to do that.  I hope so.

This is the hard part about parenting.  Letting go and hoping for the best.  Ugh.

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