Friday, October 28, 2011

Finally Friday

October 28 -- And the week is over.  I have no clue and yet I have many clues why this week dragged on.  One is that I am completely exhausted and overwhelmed.  Last week I loved teaching, this week not so much.  As my last period class left today,  it was all I could do to keep my head up. (I didn't.  I actually laid it down on the desktop.)  It was grammar day today and teaching linking verbs and helping verbs and action verbs just is hard and exhausting.

And the kids just wanted to go home.

And so did I.

Why am I doing this again?  Somebody tell me why I left my nice little part time, somewhat mindless job for this teaching position?  Why???  I feel like I am so much slower than my peers.  but today after school I was talking to a middle school teacher whose daughter is at our high school.  She made a comment about how her daughter was frustrated in her level 2 class last year because all the kids talked and the teacher couldn't keep them quiet.  And I thought to myself, well, that's something because I have all Level 2 kids and if there is one thing I do is keep them quiet.  For the most part anyway.  And we do have debates as well.  Good ones.  When I mentioned this to the teacher she tapped me on the arm and said, "now there.  You do something right.  Go home."

And so I did.

Shout out to my mom and dad who celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary.  63 years.  Geesh.

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