Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sunshine ...or Not

October 15 --  The sun was out today, for awhile anyway.  I cannot believe how much rain we have gotten this fall and from what I hear, even more is on the way for next week.  Truly, it is almost eerie when the sun does finally come out.  And then, today, all of a sudden, it started to rain again.  Weird.   It just seems unnerving because a lot of the fall hallmarks -- bright blue skies, crisp cool days, bright orange, yellow and red leaves silhouetted against the sky -- are basically not happening this year.  In fact, many of the leaves are down without having turned any color at all.  The rain has just blasted through the trees and ripped the leaves off of the branches.

Even the days are shorter because it gets dark earlier when there is no sunset.  Truly, I feel like I am in Seattle.  But who knows, maybe even there they get more sun than we are getting.   Seriously, it really is awful.  Cannot imagine what winter will bring.

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