Saturday, October 1, 2011

Friendship Totally Rocks

October 1 -- Four out of the the five girls in my Fab 5 group came over tonight.  Quite frankly, it was a hysterical night for a variety of reasons but suffice it to say, I laughed all night long.  I was thinking about our "group" the other is actually kind of weird to figure out how we all became such good friends.  We were on different sports teams in high school so it's not like we got cliquey from sports.  Two of us were cheerleaders. Three were jocks.  A couple of us were in band.  One did drama.  A few of us did yearbook.  We participated in all different realms of the high school and junior high school experience.  But somehow, despite our different interests, we all connected.  And I am damn glad we did.   These women are amazing human beings and I am so blessed to call them my friends.

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