Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Well Saga Continues

October 19 -- Perfect Peter's Birthday.    He is getting old too -- woo hoo.

Anyway, in honor of my brother's birthday, our well got majorly f'd up today by the well guys.  Apparently, they installed a new filtration unit and holding tank as the part two installation of this "fix the well process."  When Brian arrived home an hour after they left, there was no water.  He called immediately and that's when all hell broke loose.  Apparently, one half hour after they completed our job and went to their next one, the installers got a call from the well company owner, freaking out.  They had installed a defective product in our house.  I guess they got a shipment from the manufacter that had a defect.  Somebody didn't put in the right o-ring or whatever and the installation system was now spewing tiny plastic particles into our entire water system for the house.  And everything was blocked. Toilets, faucets, heating, appliances, you name it.  Our filters are blocked by these plastic particles.  Which, btw, blasted out of the faucets and were all over our counters and floor in the kitchen.

Un'f'ing believable.

Showers tonight at the gym -- thank God for that membership.  Creek water in the toilets for flushing (but omg they are totally filthy from all the junk that passed through the system.)  Bottled water by all of the sinks for hand washing and drinking.   Brian and I are in a panic about the damage -- our refrigerator alone is quite expensive, never mind all the other appliances...ughhh.  The owner of the well company assured me tonight he would take care of us -- that the manufacturer who he bought the systems from is going to pay for everything.  (I guess he had already installed three of the systems before they realized the error.)  But it's the hassle of it all.  when I consider the damage we incurred this past winter and now this...I just can't help but wonder what the hell is going on.  The owner of the well company said in all of his 30 years running the company, he never had anything like this happen to a client.  huh.  Go figure.

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