Saturday, October 8, 2011

Luke Is Home...For a Night

Sept 8 --  Luke came home today, for a night.  I thought he would have Columbus Day off since he is at a state college but apparently he has classes.  Bummer.  Anyway, he wanted to come home to celebrate Connor's birthday, our anniversary and most importantly, to get a hair cut.  (yes, the last reason is actually the most important one...)

It's so awesome to see him.  Even though it's only been a month (a little more), it seems like he is different somehow.  A smidge older and definitely happy.  I loved watching him today when he was with his crew team members.  He was pumped, I know, to have us there but I think he was even more excited about the fact that he was able to lead his team in both the race and with exiting the water.   (I guess I never realized before today how difficult that maneuver -- getting out of the water without help --  actually is. )  And I was totally proud of him.

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