Monday, October 10, 2011

So Much Correcting...

October 10 --  the three day weekend has come to an end and even though I feel like I made a substantial dent in my correcting pile...there is still so much more to do!  And some doozy exams as well.  And I just finished my plans and after a few days this week I will have even more to correct.  And tomorrow I have to spend the day in professional development, learning how to teach grammar and listening to teachers complain and ...  all I want to do is finish this correcting!  And Friday I have to go to a state workshop to learn about ... yup, correcting.

Today, I have a stomach ache about teaching.  I want these kids to learn, to become better writers.  But I am drowning in papers.   Truly.  Right now?  I can barely breathe.  Help!!

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