Thursday, October 20, 2011

National Writing Day

October 20 -- Today was National Writing Day.  I was wondering to myself if I had the kids in my classes do any writing.  Actually no.  We did more speaking with our Philosophical Chair debates.  But I guess we did a little writing too.  I wrote.  Yes.  I wrote a nice email to Brian with a list of items to talk to the well people about when they came over and tried to repair the damage from the defective filtration unit.  I added some nicer, more personal things to the note too -- I really laid on the schmalz.  It occurred to me though, as I thanked him profusely for being flexible with work and staying home while they came to the house that I had played that role for the last 15 years.

Oh well.  The well is fixed, for now.  We apparently have to "wait and watch" and see what happens to the appliances.  Truly.  This all sucks.  I realize it's not like getting chased into a sewer pipe, pulled out and killed (re. Ghadafi) but's all relative.  It's not like I murdered thousands of innocent people to satisfy my egotistic need for power.  (karma is a bitch sometimes.)  So yeah, in my little world, dealing with the stupid, annoying and potentially very expensive ramifications of a defective filtration unit installed in my home deserves my frustration and anger.   Oh well.  One day at at time.

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