Friday, October 14, 2011

A Date With my Boyfriend...ha

October 14 -- Because Connor's birthday falls on my and Brian's wedding anniversary, we kind of get gypped in the celebration department.  Our day pretty much includes a quick kiss in the am and the cards we buy each other (and Brian always gets me  flowers) and some cards from the kids.   After that, it's all about Connor and his birthday.   So tonight I told Brian we should go out for dinner.  And we did.

We ended up at a Thai restaurant where we talked about stuff...sometimes I feel like we are so crazed we can barely finish sentences, so it was nice to actually have like, a conversation.    What I liked most about tonight was watching other couples at the restaurant.   There were young couples and older couples, and one couple who was older (like, our age) but definitely dating.  It took me a while to figure it out but as I watched them, I realized they weren't married.  They couldn't be -- the woman kept smiling at him all night.  I was thinking, really?  Who smiles at their husband for an entire dinner?!  And I mean all night long this chick was doing the "I think you're sooooo awesome" grin.   Non-stop, ear to ear.   No way were they married.  Sure enough, as we are leaving I hear him talking about biking and he goes, "you should try biking sometime," and she goes, "Oh, I would love to!"  (Gag me -- it was a total dating "come on" response.)   I guess it's mean of me to say "gag me" but I always worry when I hear one of the daters gush a little too much.  Ughhh.  Did I do that?  I don't know, maybe I did.  It was just so freakin' long ago, I can't remember!!

At least we talked all dinner long.  I hope we are never a silent couple.  Although,  if I had to be perfectly honest and reflective here,  I am not sure being quiet is a characteristic that's floating around in my gene pool.  Brian's maybe...but definitely not mine.

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