Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs

October 5 -- I cannot believe that Steve Jobs is dead.  The infamous mastermind who built Apple Computer from a start-up company in a garage to a top company on the worldwide business stage was only 56 years old.  I love his story, how he quit college and, with a dream and courage, started Apple Computers in his home.  (I think it was his home...maybe it was an apartment!)  Nonetheless, he was unconventional...and brilliant.  When I watch my kids grow and pursue their dreams, I am always so cautious to keep them from being too "out there."  (I have major Luke memories...!)   And yet, it's the "out there" thinkers who often end up shaping our world.

But financial success and technological marvels aside, the thing about Steve Jobs' death which amazes me the most is the ultimate life lesson -- no matter how brilliant or rich you are, there are no guarantees in life.  He was only 56.    And all the money he had wasn't enough to keep him alive.

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