Thursday, October 27, 2011

Will this Week Ever End?!!

October 27 -- And so we end Thursday of the week that lasted forever.  I have no idea why but this week is moving by soooooo slowly.  I just said to Brian, " oh last week I moved this student..." and then I thought about it for a second and realized that noooo, it wasn't last week, it was on Tuesday.  Only two days ago.  ughh..

Last week I loved my job teaching, this week not so much.  It's hard to pinpoint why exactly,  the weather, the time of the year, getting up in the dark and LEAVING in the dark to go to work isn't a great mood enhancer, I have to say.  But the kids seem off this week and I know I am stressed out about some upcoming things I am teaching.  I feel like there is no time to prep the larger books etc.  How do I have time to read them in advance if I am correcting papers and trying to stay on top of my daily lessons that i have to do right now.

The students are getting too comfortable with me right now.  And I am worried most about pace.  I feel like I am going so slowly but...I know they are totally learning the material.  And they are definitely not bored.  So isn't that the most important part of the game?  That they are learning and analyzing and using critical thinking skills and are becoming better writers too?  Still, I wonder about my speed.  Maybe, like a running race, I can start going faster as they get stronger in the classroom.  That's my plan anyway.

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