Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dentist Visit Gone Bad

October 26 -- Today was the date for my return visit to the dentist after my last horrible visit when I learned I had three freakin' cavities.  I go my whole childhood and adult life with only a few cavities and now I had three?!   I was not happy about this visit and, considering the day (week/last couple of weeks) I had, I was not in the mood for dental torture.  Little did I know...

As I sat in the chair (okay, as I tilted backwards and stared at the picture on the ceiling) I was completely freaked by what happened after the dentist injected the pain medication into my gums.  When I looked at the light on the left, I was fine.  But as I shifted my gaze to look at the picture posted on the ceiling toward my right, I panicked.  Nothing was coming into focus!  Everything toward my right side was double.  The doctor put his face toward mine and I grimaced.  There were two of him.  I kept saying, "I am not crazy! What happened?!"  The doctor shook his head and was like, " this is has never happened to me before.  I don't know what is wrong."  But I knew something was screwed up.  My heart was racing and I was flipping out.  How was I supposed to drive home?  Riley was with me.  Why could I see perfectly fine if I turned to the left but wanted to vomit from nausea when I looked toward the right?  If I covered one eye at a time, I was fine but with both open, I was a helpless cause.  I said to the nurse, "it has to be the novacaine;  it had to have hit some nerve connected to my eye.  I was like, isn't there the sinus cavity around there?!"   She just kept shaking her head and patting my arm.

I wanted to get up and leave.  But, naturally, I couldn't.  Slowly, slowly, it got better, and finally, after about ten minutes, my vision came back to normal, thank God.  At that point, the doctor came back into the room.  He had called a friend -- an oral surgeon -- who assured him that it does happen if you shoot a novacaine up into the region near the wisdom tooth.  (which was where it was.)  Apparently there is  a nerve that with women, is closer to the gum line.  The doctor assured my doc who assured me that all would be fine.  I guess so, (and I was much relieved when my nerve theory was proven correct) but the psychological damage was done.  This makes the third (and completely freakiest) awful experience I have had with the dentist office during my lifetime. (never mind all of the smaller episodes interspersed throughout the years.)   I think maybe in a past life, I murdered a dentist and this life is all about karmic kickback.  Geesh, I don't know.  One would think that at this point, I certainly have paid my debt, haven't I?!   One (which would be me, of course) can only hope.

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