Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Well, well, Broken

October 12 -- So we are dealing with our first major house issue since I started back at work full time.  And I am happy to report (this part anyway) that Brian was amazing with his flexibility and "take charge" attitude.

This morning, I went to turn on the faucet to wash my hands and face water.  Nothing.  Not a drop.  Turns out the well pump is fried, the wires torqued, and the holding tank is shot.  Kah-ching, kah-ching!   And the worst part is that replacement work won't be completed until next week!  Apparently, we can circumvent the holding tank to do laundry, shower etc., but the water has to clear of sediment before we can hook it up and...well...let's just say it's times like these that I am really grateful for the shower at my gym.

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