Friday, October 7, 2011

The Boobie Bracelet

September 7 -- Lately, I have noticed a bit of a trend going on amongst the high school crowd.  Over the past few weeks I was seeing it more and more.  I thought it was strange but I didn't give it too much thought.  But then I saw more of it.  And finally, today, I figured it out.  And boy was I mad.  A large majority of the students -- boys and girls -- are wearing these rubber bracelets with the word "boobie" on them.  Some say , "save the boobies" as well.  I have to say that even though I realize it's a fundraiser of some sort, it's just the weirdest thing to have a kid hand you his homework with a big fat bracelet on his arm screaming, "boobies!"

So, during my last period class, I finally said something.  I told the kids that I realized the bracelets were being sold to "help fight breast cancer."  They all nodded in agreement, grinning broadly.  So then I asked them if they knew about any type of cancer which affects men, particularly in the ummm, male private area.  And they responded, "prostrate cancer!"   Yes, I said, that's very good.  And then I launched my zinger question.   "Then why, " I asked slowly,  "is nobody going around wearing a bracelet which says, "dick" on it?!"  They looked at me for a second and then they burst out laughing.  "But no kid says that word," they said.  "Kids say 'boobies' "  I agreed and asked the boys what word they used when they were little.  "Pee pee" one student answered and the boys all agreed.  "So then the bracelet for prostrate cancer should say, 'save the pee pee?!"    Again, more laughter.

Here is the deal.  If anyone is wondering how I could have this conversation with a bunch of 9th graders, I guess I would have to ask, why would a mother let her son or daughter buy the bracelet, wear the bracelet and walk around in public with it?!  (They are bright white and hot pink and black and white bracelets btw.)  And even more importantly (and what I emphasized to the kids) is why is it that the women have their private body part names on bracelets and men don't?!!!   I asked the girls, why are you not leveling out the playing field here?!!  Why is it embarrassing and evidently unthinkable to have the word "pee pee" on a bracelet but not "boobie?!"  Doesn't anyone want to help the fight against prostrate cancer????  I have to admit, I know I got them thinking anyway.  Unfortunately, I think what I got them thinking about the most was how to make and sell new bracelets...   sigh.

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