Monday, October 24, 2011

The Birds

October 26 -- I am watching The Birds in my Great Films Great Books class.  Ughhh.  I do not like scary movies and I am totally freaked about the possibility of screaming in front of my kids.  A few of them have already seen it and apparently think that it is "no big deal."  I, however, am terrified.  When I was a little kid, I watched the movie with my sister and brothers.  It was awful.  I had nightmares for weeks.    But now that I am an adult, I am hoping it won't be as bad.  I am previewing it at home right now...Tippi Hedron (sp?!) just got bit by the seagull.  It's actually kind of funny at the moment.  But I know it will only get worse...all those sweet people living in Bodega Bay.  Yipes.

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