Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Early to Bed...

October 11 -- I keep writing "September" in the date part of this blog.  I guess September really did fly by. And now we are almost half way into October.  Geesh.  Today was a professional development day at school.  It was okay.  If nothing else, I felt like our department developed a vibe of camaraderie as we struggled through the new grammar curriculum.

But I did zero correcting.  I did, however, get some of my photocopies done for the week and I did get my grammar quiz fixed.  I just can't shake this feeling like I am "faking" it.  When I was a little kid, we used to play school and I would pretend I was the teacher, making my little brother and our next door neighbor fill out all these worksheets.  Is that who I am today?  A con artist?

One thing I have to keep reminding myself is that it is dangerous to compare myself to the seasoned teachers on staff and in the informative articles the administration keeps handing out to us.  These are teachers with years of experience.  So I plug away...telling myself that even though I am new and not "seasoned", I am still helping the kids learn.  I hope so anyway.

And now off to bed.  I am beat.  And tomorrow, I have more quizzes coming in -- short formative ones but still...more correcting.  (And I haven't even finished the old ones yet!  Yipes.)

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