Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Girl Drama

October 25 -- I can't believe how different girls are from boys when it comes to dramatizing life experiences. When I watch Tessa integrate into the high school scene and I hear her comments about the girls on the cross country team and I read their comments on Facebook (Tessa showed me; I do not have a facebook page...) I am just awed by how different girls process things vs. boys.  It's like we females have to chew our food fifty thousand times before we can let it go.  Every aspect about one little annoyance is analyzed and broadcasted on Facebook and Twitter and what have you and then it is commented upon by other females and so on and so forth until you just want to stick a pin in your eye.

So Tessa pushed herself and ran faster than the other girls in practice yesterday.  Which basically came from her ambition -- she wants to run faster in the race on Saturday... which meant working harder during practice.  Which then led to a battle between Tessa and another girl who wanted Tessa to ease up during practice and stay back with the other girls and to "not be competitive."  What?!!!  It's a sports team for God's sake.  Is Tessa ballsy about her desire to be faster?  More than likely -- she is fiercely competitive.  But to turn it into a public website drama?  Really?

I guess I might have understood this battle way back.  In many ways, we female moms still have the occasional drama.  But I just feel that with the public sites -- this airing of female dramas has reached a new level of pettiness.  And it is certainly a waste of energy.  As for Tessa?  I hope all of this brouhaha does what it should do for her -- inspire her to be even faster in her race on Saturday.  (Now who is being competitive on a public site?!  Yes...that would be me.  What can I say?  The nut doesn't fall far from the tree. :)

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