Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dad's New Home -- For Now

March 9 -- My father finally was moved to a rehabilitation center in a nearby town.  That is good news.  I think.  I mean, now he can get the one on one physical therapy he needs to get stronger so he can come home to be with my mom again.  I guess the bad news is that he is NOT happy.  He just wants to go home.

But it is what it is.  I have not been there yet but my sister says it is newly renovated, clean and small.  And it is nearby to my mother.  All great things.  We are hopeful that their service is good as well.  I will go over to visit him tomorrow so my mother (who is still battling the stomach virus) can rest.

Apparently, when my sister and mother got their tonight to visit him in his new 'digs', he was playing with the cards.  Slapping them on the table, I guess.  Whatever.  Glad he is practicing.  At this rate, I may never beat him.  We'll see.

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