Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday Night Blues

March 11 --  I am so sad.  Tonight is one of those nights that will go down in history, at least in my mind.  I stupidly hit the wrong button and erased a voicemail I had saved for at least six years on my cell phone.  In fact, I loved it so much, I had transferred it from my first cell phone to my next one.  But when I played it for the kids, everyone was laughing and I accidentally hit erase instead of save and it was gone.  I feel bereft;  I really do.  In the scheme of things going on today -- Japan's 8.9 earthquake and tsunami, and all the loss in that country, I suppose my little voicemail of Connor begging me to come home and Luke in the background telling him to shut-up is nothing.  But it was a huge part of my phone, a huge talisman so to speak.  I had Tessa on there too, announcing Riley's lost tooth.  When I erased Connor's nine-year old voice, I erased Tessa's too because really, I couldn't keep one if I lost the other.  It's weird.  It's just a voice mail but since we never took videos of the kids I was always so proud of that voicemail.  I loved listening to it.  I just did.

And now it's gone.  I feel like such a jerk.  I don't know why I am making this mean so much but I am just really sad.  Dumb I know but it is what it is.

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