Monday, March 21, 2011

Dr. Dad and Channel 4

March 21 -- I just watched the video of the young dad who delivered his baby girl on the floor of his garage.  It was a great story because everything turned out fine.  The baby was healthy, the mother was fine and the big sister was appropriately adorable in her "Big Sister" t-shirt.

What cracked me up though, was the news announcer's voice when the camera focused on a snapshot of the mother and baby taken shortly after the baby was born.  In the background, the viewer can see the tire and part of the car parked behind her.  In the video clip,the announcer dramatically tells the listener that the husband took the picture and that it can be seen "exclusively on Channel 4."  Seriously?  Did he really need to say that?  Are television stories in Mars (PA?) so scarce that stations battle over the airing of a photo of a mom with her baby?  Do viewers really care?!  Like, are they going to watch more of Channel 4 news from now on?  I mean, okay, hooray, they convinced the dad to not let anyone else shoot video of the picture.  Big whoop.  It's the scoop of the day for Channel 4.  The dad probably has like, four other pictures of his wife and baby he is selling on the side...

As for me, above and beyond the remarkable delivery story, I was very impressed with the mom's excellent skin tone.  She was like, totally glowing.  After giving birth on a concrete floor. Now there's a story.

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