Thursday, March 17, 2011

Squirrel Beats Fat Robin

March 17 -- St Patrick's Day.  And I am not Irish so, oh well.  But my kids are.  In respect to their heritage, my token to the Irish holiday was a spinach salad for dinner.  No corned beef and cabbage...that's just disgusting.

Anyway, speaking of eating, my topic of the moment is this little red squirrel which is kicking the sh*t out of the big, fat robin.  I asked for a bird feeder for Christmas.  A few years ago, the squirrels decimated my feeder and I was missing the birds.  So I begged for a squirrel proof one.  Ha.  Brian and Riley came home with your basic garden variety feeder that was so easy for a squirrel to eat out of it was like giving away free ice cream to a group of second graders.  But I was desperate to see my little birds again so I said, thank you very much and filled it up with food.

Needless to say, I see more of this little red squirrel than any bird.  It's a cute squirrel I guess's a tough little guy.  Whenever there are birds nearby, it just ignores them and jumps right on the feeder. No fear.  I realize that if watching this squirrel is a highlight of my day, I might need to find a new hobby (or two) but I guess I find some inspiration in watching its dogged determination to get food.  Speaking of dogs, the squirrel is driving Lily insane.  

It's all testimony to the fact that clearly, I need to get a life.  There seems to be just way too much observation of the animals going on...

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