Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Desk is a Mess

March 16 -- As if my life isn't chaotic enough, it looks as though there has been a paper explosion on my desk.  Since I am one of those people who loves to be organized, every time I look at my desk, my stomach turns.  I keep trying to make a dent in all of the piles of paper but whenever I clear a space, another pile appears.  This is largely due to work.  Because the school stores the students answer sheets to the state test in my office, it is locked to all school personnel until the sheets get organized and sent to the state for scoring.  It's all very official -- only one person is allowed in the room.  And if i have to go in to get anything, I need to be supervised.

The upshot is that I have to grab all of my files and bring them home to work at my home office.  And then back again when I have a meeting.  And then home again.  Since I am out of there for at least two weeks, I have to take EVERYTHING.  Thus the mess on my desk.  But my hope is to make a huge dent in organizing tomorrow.  Except I just heard that I might have to go in to organize a mailing.  And so the mess will stay.  Or not.  We'll see.  All I know is that right now, I feel like I can't control anything.  Not one thing.

Control is an illusion anyway.  Or so they say.  The way I see things right now, I think "they" might be right.

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