Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lily the Dog

March 15 -- Life continues to spiral in different directions.  The kids in one direction, my parents in another.  I am stuck somewhere in between, jerking toward whomever pulls the hardest.  When I spoke to my mother tonight she didn't sound right.  Sure enough, she is sick.  She has a cold but it is one that has affected her in the chest and for my mother, who is very sensitive with her breathing, this is bad.  So she didn't go visit my dad today.  Instead she went to see the doctor.  I cannot even believe she is sick.  Poor thing.  As if dealing with Dad in the rehab place wasn't enough.  We all told her that with Dad out of the house for a while, she could maybe get a few nights of good, solid sleep.  Unfortunately, that doesn't look like it's going to happen.

So in the midst of all of this, I am sitting at my computer thinking about my day, the kids' efforts, my parents' struggle and all the while, I am watching my awesome dog, Lily.  For the last hour she has been curled up in a deep state of dog sleep on her new funky purple bed which is tucked underneath Brian's desk.  She is completely oblivious to all that is going on around her. What I love most about Lily is that she is a constant source of affection, no matter what.  And she is consistent with her greeting.  I walk in the door and suddenly she appears, with a stuffed toy in her mouth.  Always.  There is something to be said about a loyal dog.  I think the word I am looking for is "joy."  Or maybe "joyful."  No matter what, that dog puts a smile on my face. Always.  And I am grateful for this wonderful, consistent, non-judgemental source of love.

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