Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dishwasher Shopping -- omg

March 10 -- In the midst of all of this "taking care of parents" craziness, I have been trying to keep on top of one household "to-do" which is becoming more and more of an emergency.  Our dishwasher is totally crapping out.  I hate that expression but honestly?  It's perfect for the situation.

Last weekend, before the call came about my dad's need to go to the hospital, Brian and I were planning to head out to a few appliance stores and do some research.  Since the day's plans obviously had to be aborted, the dishwasher hunt was postponed.  But i NEED a dishwasher!!  Whenever i have had a few spare seconds, I have been scanning the internet for reviews about dishwashers, trying to make a decision.  And quite frankly, at this point, I am even more confused than before I started the research.

There are an unbelievable number of model numbers and product line features and comments and reviews and price variations (it's amazing how much cheaper appliances are when you buy them on the internet!).  I even read a review where the consumer got so intense with his descriptions about the complexity of the installation I clicked out of it in mid sentence.  (I am assuming it was a guy, don't know too many women who know to use an elbow copper pipe to vary the installation angle of the water line in the back of the wall...)  It was like watching a scary movie.  I had to change the screen.

God willing, we will have time to go shopping this weekend.  I cannot continue procrastinating this search.  And I certainly am sooooo tired of re-washing the dishes.   But mostly, my exhausted brain cannot process any more letter/number product identification codes.  It's absolutely bizarre.  If we ever have an alien invasion, I say we just print out a bunch of codes from various appliances and tell them it's a secret combination to lots of wealth.

See?  I really am losing it.  Yipes.

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