Friday, March 25, 2011

My House is Falling Down...So to Speak

March 25 -- The good news today (I think) is that my dad came home from rehab. I say, "I think" because I know my mother is freaked about caring for him alone.  VNA will be stopping by but she will be carrying the brunt of the workload.   I stopped over there tonight with trepidation because i have been fighting a cold all week and even though I feel better today, I didn't want to get my parents sick.  But I wanted to see him in his old stomping ground so Riley and I stopped by on our way home from IKEA (yes, third trip this week; I am disgusted with myself :)

Dad looked great.  Mom looked like sh*t.  Seriously.  The poor thing is exhausted.  When I hugged her and told her that, she whispered in my ear, "you look awful too."  I was like, gee thanks Mom.  But she's right.  I do look a bit fried.  But what can I do?  In the last three weeks, our dishwasher has died, our dryer has stopped drying, and our kitchen sink faucet broke.  Yeah.  That's right.  Six people in this house, and all of the basic cleaning elements have basically crapped out.  And Luke with the stomach flu...who knows when the next victim will fall?

So I raced over to IKEA to buy a new faucet after stopping to pick up the boys' new eyeglasses at Costco. (best deal ever, btw!!)   Then, after five hours of shopping and driving (mostly driving), I stopped at my mom's.  In addition to all the appliance/house issues, add in the fact that Luke was sick this week, I was sick this week, and Brian was totally stressed about work.  (And, might I add ever so quietly,  I was engaging in a lot of decorating projects this past week as well...yes, I guess I do feel a little bit guilty.)

So yes.  My mother was right.  I look like a picked herb that has been forgotten on the patio table in the middle of a hot summer day.  Pinched, wrinkled and limp.  Yikes.  That sounds terrible!

But on the bright side, I did pick a color for the back of my bookcase.  Vintage Wine, the "color of the year" for Benjamin Moore.   I am so excited to start the project.  haha.  But first I have to get myself a glass of water.  Or wine.  Hmmmmm.

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