Sunday, March 27, 2011

Haircut Fights

March 27th -- When the boys were little and I was a full time homemaker, I started to cut their hair to save money.  After I bought the razor with the different level combs, I watched the video a few times and before long, (and after a few minor mishaps) I actually got pretty good at it.

When they were little, it wasn't too bad of a job.   I was always delighted afterward because truly, we saved a lot of money over the years, especially after Brian became a steady client as well.  That was four free haircuts every 6 to 8 weeks;  everyone was happy .

But then the boys got older.  And we all got busier.  So now, when it's haircut day (like today) I have to put aside at least two hours for all of their cuts.  (speedy, I am not.)  Plus vacuuming and "fine tuning" and shaking out the's a big chunk of the day.   So what ends up happening is I get a little cranky.  And inevitably, I end up arguing with one of the boys.  Usually, it's Luke.  I don't know why but he has had several hair cuts with me furious at him for one thing or another.  Today, it happened again.

While I was cutting Brian's hair, Lily started barking like crazy at something in the backyard.  Brian was like, oh, there might be a hawk going after a chicken.  I just wanted to finish the haircut so I didn't stop. I figured a squirrel was attacking the bird feeder again.  But when I went out back to shake out the shawl, sure enough, there was a hawk over by the coop, clearly working on a (now) dead chicken.  We all freaked out.  Luke had let the chickens out of the coop before he left for work and basically, with all of us holed up in the house, we didn't hear the birds start fussing when the hawk swooped in for lunch.

When Luke got home for work, I told him I wanted to talk to him.  He asked if we could discuss it while I cut his hair.  I was like, are you sure?!!  He nodded.  So, I read him the riot act (okay not exactly a riot act because I knew that deep down behind that teenager wall of his, he was really sad about the chicken) but I definitely let him know I was disappointed about how he non-chalantly let the chickens out and then left for work with them roaming around un-watched.  It was actually a pretty intense argument which ultimately ended up in a follow-up conversation (after the haircut was over) that was kind of upbeat.  And then he anhilated me in chess which only made me mad at him again.  Just kidding.

The bottom line is this -- even though I was really upset with him and he was totally furious at me, the haircut came out nice.  (if I say so myself.)  Nonetheless, I am kind of looking forward to the day when he has a real job and pays a hairdresser.  Let him argue with somebody else for a change!

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