Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Stomach Bug in the House

March 23 --  I am not happy.  Luke started with the stomach flu tonight.  I am seriously hoping he doesn't have what I had three weeks ago -- the same virus that landed my dad in the hospital.  I was out of it for three or four days.    Anyway, the poor kid is asleep on the bathroom floor and has been there for the last four hours.  Every time he stands up to go to bed, he gets dizzy and gets sick again.  Ughhhh. 

All things considered, I have been a very lucky mother of four kids who rarely get stomach viruses.  I mean we certainly have our share of war stories about one stomach illness or another but for the most part, we always seemed to avoid the majority of them.  But honestly, it was Luke and Tessa who had at least one episode each which almost landed them in the hospital.    Gosh, they were soooooo little then.  And it seems like just yesterday. 

Okay.  I know I am tired when I start to wax poetic about the kids' stomach bugs.   Time to end this entry.
I am just hoping this isn't a long one like mine.  And that it is not contagious.  Ha.  We'll see.

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